My little brother-in-law came to help me and to sell his Fresh Eggs and Garlic that he harvested himself. So we set up...and sat...and sat...and sat! NO CUSTOMERS! It was so disappointing! I mostly felt bad for dragging my bro-in-law out there with me and then having no business! I mean, at least 100 cars had to have driven by and looked at our stand. I think my location was bad...not the right "clientele."
So we packed everything up. I made a few phone calls to friends. And we were on our way delivering boxes of fresh vegetables, flowers, herbs, and eggs!
I am so thankful to all of you who bought my produce from me that day! You saved the day! My vegetables would have gone to waste! I am glad all my friends could enjoy them and now I can look forward to delivering weekly boxes of surplus produce to my friends and putting a smile on their faces! Thank you, everyone!!!